BC offers preferred parking to commuters, bike racks and facilites for bicyclists, and easy access to the MBTA and other forms of mass transit. 


Bicycles on campus are a common sight, 无论是在课间奔波的学生,还是在阳光明媚的春天早晨从交通拥堵中解脱出来的通勤者. 电子游戏软件为骑自行车的人提供许多服务,以帮助他们上下班和保护他们的设备. 两个校区都有几个自行车架和储物柜区,为长途骑行后的一天做准备.

Where to lock your bike

All bikes must be locked on the bike rack. 确保你的自行车与车架平行,并且它不会妨碍人们使用人行道. If there's another bike parked at the rack, make sure not to accidentally lock the other bike with yours.

Bicycle safety

Visit the Boston College Police Department's Bicycle Safety page for helpful tips and to register your bike for free. 



电子游戏软件敦促所有教职员工考虑拼车往返学校. Not only will this aid in taking many cars off the road, but it will be less expensive and helps reduce pollutants. 从长远来看,这也将有助于大学引入新的拼车功能.

Carpooling also rewards all commuters, because less parking is needed at BC, 所有的拼车都将保证在校园里有一个最好的停车位. Additionally, it is cheaper for each person in the carpool. Please email transportation@fitgreenlife.com 看看有没有和你一起在不列颠哥伦比亚省工作的邻居,可能有兴趣和你一起上下班.

许多常见问题可以通过拨打我们的办公室电话617-552-0151或通过 sending an email.


Frequently Asked Question


A: No! 拼车中的每个人都可以将自己的注册车辆分配到一个悬挂停车许可证,可以在车辆之间转移.

Mass Turnpike

The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority 管理和运营贯穿整个马萨诸塞州东西的主要州际公路. Designated as I-90, 这是一条连接纽约州和波士顿市的收费公路,终点是洛根国际机场.

Other major interstate highways transect it along the way, connecting the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire. The State of Maine is accessed through New Hampshire.

Turnpike Maps
Many interactive maps show you the way.

Time/Distance and Tolls
How long will it take, how far is it, and what will it cost?

我可以在哪里停车,并利用可用的通勤选择? MassRIDES 服务这些网站,可以通过点击名称联系.

Service Centers
Where do I go for services such as repairs, fuel, and food?

Emergency Contacts
Should a problem arise or an accident occur, where do I call?


沿收费公路走廊的“停车换乘”停车场是马萨诸塞高速公路正在进行的交通管理计划的重要组成部分. 鼓励共乘,从而减少交通挤塞和空气污染, massspike已经优先为其宝贵的顾客提供Park-N-Ride停车位.

The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority has over 2,000 commuter parking spaces available at Park-n-Ride lots in:

  • Ludlow, near Exit 7
  • Palmer, near Exit 8
  • Sturbridge, near Exit 9, on Rt. 131 at Bethleham Lutheran Church location
  • Auburn, adjacent to Exit 10 (2 convenient lots available)
  • Auburndale, Exit 14/15, Rt. 30 East to Auburn St. Lot on right
  • Worcester adjacent to Exit 10A
  • Millbury, adjacent to Exit 11
  • Worcester, Exit 11, Route 122 (Grafton Street)
  • Grafton, Exit 11, Rt. 122 South at Wyman Gordon
  • Westborough, Exit 11A, East on Rt. 9 & Rt. 135 – 222 Turnpike Rd.
  • Westborough, Exit 11A, East on Rt. 9 & Rt. 135 – 180 Turnpike Rd.
  • Framingham, near Exit 12 on Route 9
  • Newton (Auburndale), Exit 14/15, Rt. 30 East to Auburn St. Lot on right.
  • Weston, Exit 14/15, Rt. 30 at St. Demetrios Church
  • West Newton, Exit 16, Rt. 16 East, Washington St. Lot on left
  • West Newton, Exit 16, Rt. 16, Washington St. to Elm St. to Webster St. Lot on left

MBTA Commuter Rails

The MBTA 管理波士顿的地铁和有轨电车系统,以及通往北站和南站的通勤铁路线.


  • With the Charlie Card subway rides are $2.75, and the local bus fare is $1.70. 11岁及以下儿童在成人陪同下免费乘坐. 
  • 月票允许无限次乘坐所有MBTA服务,并有内置折扣和优惠,如降低汽车保险费率.
  • 学生折扣学期通行证可以在每学期开始前一个月在里昂大厅的学生服务中心购买, Room 103.

Learn more about program



T Green Line


  • Boston College Branch (B Train)
  • Cleveland Circle Branch (C Train)
  • Riverside Branch (D Train)
  • Heath Street Branch (E Train)

Green Line Info

MBTA Commuter Rail

MBTA Transit Passes


您将能够在线订购过境通行证,并享受税前工资扣除的好处.  通过参与,员工可以更方便地购买过境通行证 AND 从MBTA或其他交通服务提供商那里购买车票可以省钱. 


Payroll deductions

工资将在你的通行证月的前一个月扣除.  例如:七月通行证的工资将在六月扣除.

Passes mailed to your home

对于MBTA线路和巴士通行证,您将收到一张新的查理卡.  For each consecutive month in which you have an order, your pass will be updated on your existing Charlie Card.

通勤铁路和其他交通工具通行证(不包括MBTA环线和巴士), 您将每月收到一张纸质车票或通勤检查凭证. 通行证将在使用前一个月的23日至30日之间寄出.

Commuter Benefits—Frequently Asked Questions

UBER partnership with WageWorks

Electric Scooters, Hoverboards, and E-Skateboards

Electric transportation devices including electric scooters, hoverboards, and e-skateboards are not allowed on campus. 禁止在电子游戏软件使用、储存和充电这些设备.

但电动自行车除外, 使用者必须遵守所有适用的交通规则, do not bring their e-bikes into any BC facility, and secure them in outdoor bike racks. 残疾人士的电动助行器也获豁免.