The Thea Bowman AHANA和跨文化中心 is dedicated to fostering a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for students through support programs and resources, one-on-one conversations, 学术咨询和指导机会, discussion groups, and resources to help students  navigate challenges during their time at BC.


LGBTQ+ Resource Guide

LGBTQ+ Student Support and Programming are transitioning into the BAIC from the Dean of Students Office (DOS) beginning in the fall of 2023.

Boston College honors the unique experiences and needs for support that LGBTQ+ students have as they navigate college. 
DOS has maintained this LGBTQ+ Resource Guide for the last 15 years and we are happy to continue that transition.

Our staff often meet with students one-on-one and can connect you to other people on campus who can support you and your needs. 如果你想接触到BC社区的盟友, 请查看下面的资源指南. Each person on this list has agreed to be an ally and contact person for LGBTQ+ students at BC. 大多数人都接受过支持LGBTQ+学生的培训, and this list is updated annually to make sure you have access to the best possible resources. This list is not exhaustive!  不在这个名单上并不意味着某人不是盟友, these are just staff and faculty who we have directly asked to serve in this resource guide with because students often interact with their offices.  你认为还有其他员工/教员/部门属于这里吗? Let us know!  Email us at

LGBTQ+ Resource Guide





Conte Forum 308 | 2-6210 l


Jeff Postell, Lieutenant
紧急情况2-4444 |非紧急情况2-4440

Campus Ministry

Ellen Modica, Campus Minister
McElroy 226 | 2-4665 |

McElroy 227 | 2-6592 |

Career Center

Southwell Hall | 2-3430 |  


Kathleen M. Duggan, Director
O’Neill Library 200 | 2-0893 |

2-4053 |

2-0835 |

Mary Rajner, Testing Services & Department Administrator
2-8055 |


Counseling Services

Gasson 001 | 2-3310 
Craig Burns, Director l
Selina Guerra,助理主任

First-Year Experience

Stokes 179S | 2-3281 |        

Chris Darcy, Interim Director
Stokes 179S |

Graduate Student Life

默里电子游戏正规平台生中心| 2-1855

Montserrat Coalition

Fr. Michael Davidson, S.J., Director
36 College Road| 2-3140|

Center for Student Wellness

Jeannine Kremer, Director
Gasson Hall 025 |


Patricia Lowe, Director

Office of Global Education

Hovey House 105  | 2-0627 |

Vaughn Thornton, Program & Outreach Specialist
Hovey House | 2-1913 |

Office of Student Involvement

Roatha Kong, Interim Director
卡尼大厅,147室| 2-3480 |


Jason Cavallari,行政总监
Stokes, S140 | 2-9259 |

Residential Life

Dr. 凯特琳·科丁,住房运营总监

Student Services

Lyons Hall 101 | 2-3318 |

Thea Bowman AHANA和跨文化中心

Yvonne McBarnett, Director
马洛尼大厅455室2-3359 1

Ira Kirschner,副主任
马洛尼大厅,455室| 2-3140 |

Undergraduate Admission

Grant Gosselin, Director
Devlin Hall 208 | 2-3100 |

Kayte Hager,高级副主任
Devlin Hall 208 | 2-4942 |

Devlin Hall 208 | 2-2391 |


Contact Page

University Health Services

Madelyn Rivera-Bellino MSN, ANP-BC(她/她/她的),护士经理

Women’s Center

Katie Dalton, Director
Maloney 441 | 2-6919 |





Allies of Boston College

A group of LGTBQ+ and allied students working to foster a more inclusive Boston College community.

Martí Boix, President  |

Queer Leadership Council (QLC)

Aidan Seguin, Director |
Nathan Schirtzinger |

Graduate Students


Board Contact To Be Updated
Website: Gaudete

Graduate Pride Alliance (GPA)

An organization sponsored by the Graduate Student Association (GSA) for any LGBTQ+ grad students & 所有电子游戏正规平台生院和项目的盟友.
Sam Moore, President |
Website: GPA


Nonie Andersen, Co-Chair | 马修·圣地亚哥,联合主席|
Group Email:


Board Contact To Be Updated



LGBT@BC is the affinity group for all BC staff and faculty who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Join the LGBT@BC listserv 收听活动和其他节目,或在 LGBT@BC website.


Signature Programs and Events

Signature Programs and Events

Our office works to improve the LGBTQ+ student experience by offering support, education, outreach, programs, 为LGBTQ+学生提供的机会包括:

Pride Peers 

A mentoring program that pairs LGBTQ+ undergrads with upper-class LGBTQ+ peers and creates spaces to bond and reflects on sexual and gender identity.  

LGBTQ+ Community Dinners 

Casual monthly dinners where all LGBTQ+ and allied students are welcome to come together to eat, chat, laugh, 在电子游戏软件培养我们的社区!    

Discussion Groups

The BAIC offers private, reflective, and welcoming spaces for LGBTQ+ students to meet and engage in meaningful discussion around identity development and experiences.

Groups meet weekly for an hour and are open to anyone who wants a private and comfortable space to interact with peers exploring similar issues around what it means to identify as LGBTQ+ at BC and in the world. No appointments, formal arrangements, or commitments necessary -  drop in whenever the discussion group is meeting and we'll be there waiting to welcome you with open arms, hearts, and minds!

Prism - a group for all LGBTQ+ and questioning students to talk about queer identity and experiences. 由酷儿和跨性别电子游戏正规平台生协助.

Transcend - a group for trans, nonbinary, agender, and genderfluid students as well as students who want a space to talk about exploring their gender identity. 由非二元和跨性别电子游戏正规平台生推动.

QBIPOC - a group for queer students of color to talk about their multiple marginalized aspects of identity and experiences. 由有色人种的非二元和跨性别电子游戏正规平台生推动.

小组在北汽安静的自习室会面(Maloney 460). Please email 为每个小组的具体会议日期和时间.

Lavender Graduation

A celebration that recognizes LGBTQ+ students of all backgrounds and acknowledges their contributions to the University. Graduating LGBTQ+ seniors and graduate students are recognized for their leadership, successes, 以及对LGTBQ+社区的整体承诺和贡献. Through such recognition, LGBTQ+学生可能会带着积极的最后体验离开电子游戏软件, filling them with pride both in themselves and in their college experiences.

Spectrum Retreat

A free, confidential spring retreat where LGBTQ+ and questioning undergraduate students engage in reflection and exploration of their sexual and gender identities with LGBTQ+ student leaders and faculty mentors. 

Individual Support

我们的大门永远向任何寻求帮助的人敞开!  Please call or email Ira Kirschner anytime.

Academic Resources

Academic Resources

Carroll School of Management

Fulton 315 | 2-0459 l

Fulton 315 | 2-6827 l

Amy Donegan,本科管理咨询助理院长
Fulton 315 | 2-3431 l

Erica Graf,学术和学生服务助理院长
Fulton 315 | 2-0462 l

Connell School of Nursing

Anya Villatoro, Assistant Dean
Maloney 217 | 2-4541 |


Campioin 114 l 2-4200 l


Stokes 140S| 2-9259 |  

Stokes S171 | 2-2800 |

Jeffrey Lamoureux,大三副院长
Stokes S132 I 2-2800 I

Stokes 140S | 2-2800 I


Karen Muncaster, Dean
St. Mary’s Hall S052 I 2-3455 I

Graduate Students

Boston College Law School
Emily Libby, Assistant Dean
Stuart House M308 l 2-9187 l

Connell School of Nursing

M. 副院长科琳·西蒙内利
Maloney 218 | 2-3232 |


Gasson 108 | 2-0714 |

School of Social Work

Teresa Touhey Schirmer, LICSW副院长
McGuinn 136 | 2-4762 |


Jacqueline M. Regan, M.Div., M.A., Associate Dean
Simboli Hall 225 | 2-6504 |


Karen Muncaster, Dean
St. Mary’s Hall S052 I 2-3455 I

Off Campus Referrals

Off Campus Referrals

马萨诸塞州波士顿法院广场28号| 617-227-4313

989 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA  
24-Hour Hotline: 800-841-8371 

Boston GLASS 
75 Amory St. 牙买加平原,马萨诸塞州;857-399-1920 

Bisexual Resource Center | 617-424-9595 

马萨诸塞州波士顿博伊尔斯顿街1340号| 617-267-0900 

Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center 
马萨诸塞州波士顿克尼兰街75号| 617.457.8140

马萨诸塞州波士顿华盛顿街1601号| 617-425-2000

The Network/La Red (TNLR) 617-742-4911(语音)| 800-832-1901(免费电话) 

translifeline 24小时同侪支援热线 | 877-565-8860 

特雷弗项目24小时热线 | 866-438-7386

Get Immediate Help

Get Immediate Help

Need Support?

Part of being human and in community is sometimes needing support from others.  We are here for you!   

If you are in crisis:

If you think you are at risk of harming yourself or others please immediately call 大学辅导服务 at 617–552–3310, during regular working hours. If after hours you can still contact UCS at 617-552-3310 and follow prompts to speak with a clinician. 更多信息可在 UCS website.  Students can also call BCPD at 617-552-4444 for any emergency situation or to ask for help.


  • 特雷弗项目:(866)488-7386
  • The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender National Hotline: (888) 843-4564
  • Trans Lifeline: (877) 565-8860

If you are not in crisis:

The professional and graduate student staff in Student Outreach and Support Services are here to help. You do not have to be sure that you are part of the LGBTQ+ community to reach out for support and we support students with more than just aspects of their sexuality or gender identity. We routinely work with students who are exploring or questioning their identities and also with LGBTQ+ students who need support in other areas of their lives.  您可以致电617-552-3470,电子邮件:,或直接给我们的员工发邮件.


If you feel that you have been subject to a violation of the University’s “bias-motivated conduct policy,的信息也请参阅 学生主任办公室 regarding reporting any allegations of misconduct.





The BAIC is proud to offer training to any department or office that would like us to work with their faculty and/or staff to ensure competence and confidence when working with our LGBTQ+ students!  Our sessions can be tailored to your needs in terms of length and content, and will cover many topics affecting LGBTQ+ identity construction so that you can be the best possible resource for LGBTQ+ students at BC. 

Contact Ira Kirschner for more information.